Kamis, 19 Maret 2009

Soal Try Out Inggris Ngaco (bikinan siapakah???)

Well, tadi pagi diz ikut try out bahasa Inggris.... Lmayan lah bwt siap-siap tgl 27 April nanti.... Jadi, UN Bahasa Inggris ntar soal2nya kbnykan reading. Contohnya:

Swim at your own risk.
What does the notice above mean?

A. This is swimming pool.
B. Swimming in this area causes no risk.
C. Swimming is fun.
D. Swimming in this area is dangerous.

Jawabannya apa saudara-saudara? Yak, btul: dhe, dodol.

Nah. ada satu soal yang bkin diz ma tmen2 rada bingung. Bacaannya bner2 sengaja dibikin singkat dgn cara yg slah. Mnurut diz yg mnghargai stiap dongeng di dunia ini, rasanya bner2 annoying. Baca deh, diz yakin smua bkal ktawa.

Snow White
Once upon a time, there was lived a little girl called Snow White. She lived with her aunt and Uncle. One day, Snow White heard that her aunt and uncle wanted to leave her in the castle, because they wanted to go to America without her. Snow White was so sad. After she ate her breakfast, she run away from the castle and went to the woods.
She found a house in the woods. She knocked the door, but there was no someone in the house. So, Snow White entered the house and fell asleep. After that, seven dwarfs come into their house and found Snow White had woken up and cooked some meals. “Who are you?” said one dwarf. “I am Snow White,” answer Snow White. Doo said,”Well, if you wish, you may live in our house.” Snow White was so happy. And she lived in the house with the seven dwarfs, in pleasure ever after.


Eghh... Setahu diz, snow white kabur krn mw dibunuh ama mami tirinya, bukannya mw ditinggal om tantenya k amerika...
Trus, apel bracun ma pangerannya mana?
Syukur deh. gak twnya masi ada org yg pikirannya lbih ngaco dri Diz. hehehe...


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